uncommontary podcast marty duren

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Dr. Bruce Ashford joins Uncommontary host Marty Duren to discuss how the news media makes disciples and Evangelicals in the public square.

Bruce Ashford has been teaching at Southeastern since 2003 and became the provost in 2013.  His goal in teaching is to encourage his students to bear witness to the truth, goodness and beauty of the gospel and to work out its implications in all facets of their lives and in all dimensions of culture. Ashford is the co-author of One Nation under God: A Christian Hope for American Politics, the author Every Square Inch: An Introduction to Cultural Engagement for Christians, Letters to an American Christian and is the editor of Theology and Practice of Mission.

He is married to Lauren, with whom he has two daughters (Riley Noelle, Anna Katherine) and a son (John Paul Kuyper).

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