uncommontary podcast marty duren

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Andy Gullahorn is an independent recording artist living in Nashville, TN. He was born and raised in the rich musical climate of Austin, TX and then went to College at Belmont University in Nashville to become a songwriter in the country music scene. After graduation, he spent a number of years as a staff writer for publishing companies while playing guitar on the road for singer/songwriter Jill Phillips (who he happened to be married to).

In 2004, he and Jill come off of the road to meet the needs of their growing family. Andy is a mainstay in Andrew Peterson’s annual Behold the Lamb of God tour, and can be found doing his own shows at venues across America. A partial discography includes “Room to Breathe,” “Reinventing The Wheel”, “The Law of Gravity,” “Christmas,” “Beyond the Frame,” and “Everything as it Should Be.”

If you’ve ever heard Andy Gullahorn play, you know humor is a big part of both his banter and his songs. If you’ve ever thought, “I’d like to hear Andy talk for a while without his guitar,” well, here’s your chance.

Nashville-based recording artist Andy Gullahorn joins Uncommontary host Marty Duren to talk the music biz, stories, and deserted islands.