uncommontary podcast marty duren

On this episode of Uncommontary, former missionary and New Testament scholar, Randy Richards, joins host Marty Duren in a fascinating look at how individualism causes some people to misunderstand the Bible.

Dr. Randy Richards is the Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Palm Beach Atlantic University, a school he has served since 2006. In addition to mentoring students in advanced Greek and Greek manuscript studies, he loves training students for ministry, both domestically and internationally. Dr. Richards has authored or co-authored nearly a dozen books and dozens of scholarly articles. His newest book is Misreading Scripture with Individualist Eyes: Patronage, Honor and Shame in the Biblical World, co-written with Richard James, which follows a similar book, Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible, which is approaching 75,000 English copies sold, and has been translated into four languages. Dr. Richards is a popular lecturer, speaker and teacher, and has presented in places as diverse as Istanbul, Turkey; Kijabe, Kenya; Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, United Kingdom; Beirut, Lebanon and Kathmandu, Nepal.

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